countdown to the toucha-art rebellion!

Do not touch art?

One of a kind


Reproductions of famous masters paintings printed on canvas, immersed in resin and shaped to the table form. The top is secured with a hard surface, the object is signed with a lable


Reproductions of famous masters paintings printed on canvas, immersed in resin and shaped to the table form. The premium design consists in the perfect execution of the elements on the bottom, also the bottom of the table is covered by wood, the top is secured with a super hard surface, the object is signed with a special premium lable and producing in limited series

Original objects in the form of the table. Made by local artist. This is painted canvas immersed in resin. We belive that the artist’s greatest sacrifice to touch-art idea is to turn his work of art into a utilitarian object, not allowing it to be trapped in a museum. 

Work of art


Artwork is done by local growing artists. Original graphics are sold in a branded frame

Objects are done by local growing artists. 

Reprints of original artwork by local artists. always sold in A4 format. Limited series are marked and signed by the artist by hand. 

growing artists

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