the Story

The people

WHO THE HELL ARE WE? is actually the touch-art movement. But what the hell is touch-art, you probably ask?

Well, the term touch-art created by us is the RIGHT REVERSE trend to pop-art, one of the greatest promoter of which was Andy Warhol, who changed the images of everyday, popular objects into art.

In touch-art, we do the opposite, we promote the conversion of closed, inaccessible, untouchable art, into everyday art that everyone can touch. as the creator of the term and trend of touch-art, promotes artists and encourages them to create objects in Touch-art. The artist’s greatest sacrifice to touch-art idea is to turn his work of art into a utilitarian object, not allowing it to be trapped in a museum.  In addition, we are releasing the spirit of works of masters locked in museums and private collections, turning them into artistic and utility objects. To sum up we are the movement promoting a creation of art in the touch-art concept.

The mission

Instead of making art out of popular items like in pop-art, we will make popular art out of art in touch-art spirits.

The people

Send to us a picture of how you touch a art!

We demand art goes right out onto the street! We demand art in every home! PLEASE DO TOUCH THE ART!

Why it is cool


Anyone could ask why furnitures from reproductions image are cool?

For example, Andy Warhol took a daily object or Campbell’s soup and added a new artistic touch to her image and created a valued pop-art art. But a graphic designer has designed label of Campbell’s soup before. So why is Andi’s art so valued ? After all, he had used a pre-existing item! The answers are that he added a new artistic meaning, a new power to an existing image. In the opposite way, but cool in compleatly the same way we create a daily object in the spirit of touch-art inside. The series are limited and is the first creator in the Touch-Art, so when buying the table, you can be sure to buy from the first creator in the movement. These tables are art in themselves by giving a new function and artistic message.

The story

what is the company? company is a European company.

It is the genuine performance exploring the concept in a trend called “conceptualism” on a new material (the campany as a art), where a company is a completely new kind of art to explore. 

In our case, we are investigating the idea: what a new art is and can the company be art itself?


Poland, 94-011 Łódź, 44A Wileńska St. apt.28
